Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life without sleep SUCKS

If there in one thing that I need to get off my chest is that I HATE that my son doesn't sleep thou the night. I NEED SLEEP TO FUNCTION and I feel like NO ONE GETS THIS. I feel all alone like I am in the middle of the ocean and no one cares and if they show up they ask stupid questions like "ARE YOU TRIED" NO SHIT do I look well rested. My husband doesn't get this and he thinks I am just complaining again and all I want to do is ...... I am not talking about sleeping for just the sake of sleep no I need sleep to function, to get rid of my headaches to be able to WORK, oh yeah I work muther fucker. This life without no sleep will be the reason I will not have any more children. I am not being selfish I am just being TRUE and saying things that some people may not what to say.
So I haven't eaten correctly or even juiced or even brushed my hair for work or put on my expensive makeup. So what is a tried girl to do I am going to take a mental health day and go to the spa and get a facial and a massage and then maybe get my hair done and then juice and live happily ever after......with no sleep

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Plan

I really don't like to make new years resolution because sure enough I will break it within 1 hour of the new year. So I just want to make a plan and it goes as follows
1. make my blog more successful
2. do yoga before bed (because that seems to be the only time I have to myself)
3. lose 20 lbs (this is possible)
4. get pregnant this summer
5. try to make extra money (a teacher salary SUCKS but at least I have a job so I will count my blessings)

Here is what I got for my yoga plan I started watching it and it looks like something I could do so I am going to try to do it once this week. I am keeping it real.